Gina Kim | South Korea
"Bloom" is a heartwarming story about an ordinary pigeon who finds a tiny, fragile seedling growing in the middle of a busy road. Realizing that the seedling is in danger of being trampled, the pigeon takes it upon herself to care for it. As they grow together, the pigeon and the seedling develop a special bond. The pigeon, who has always been content with her simple life, starts to wonder about the world beyond the city when the curious seedling asks about it. Through their journey, the story explores themes of caregiving, love, and personal growth. "Bloom" aims to inspire readers to rediscover their true selves, hidden beneath layers of care and sacrifice. The book is beautifully illustrated with watercolor and colored pencil, making it a visually engaging experience for both children and adults. This touching tale highlights the significance of nurturing relationships and the personal growth that comes from caring for others.
Cambridge School of Art
Children's Book illustration
Graduation: 2024
Published titles: 2