
Andina Subarja | Indonesia

Story summary:
In a world where there’s no music, one boy found a flute. He tried to play it and the beautiful sound (figuratively and literally) change the environment. Every creatures and even the village people, mesmerized by the sound and follows him,. Until he found another music player with a drum. But they don’t appreciate their differences, and start to fight. Their fight bring chaos into the environment. So in the end they learn to hear each other, understand, accept, and learn to live with their differences. To find harmony.

So The story is fantasy, but the subtext is about tolerance, finding middle ground, how to live with other people's "different voices". Just like In music, you need to be in sync, also hear what the other are playing, to be able to create a harmony. When you don’t, then nobody wants to hear an awful screeching. In our world where there's a lot of discordant voices, even the beautiful things could be weapons, when the other person is forcing their will. I make the text and illustration as layers of story, so that the readers can (hopefully) convey that message in a subtle way.

Published titles: 2
