
Maryam Mahmoudiseraji | Iran

The concept of the story is loving and accepting ourselves as we are (The differences we have).
MiMi is a tiny girl with freckles on her face who was dubbed "Spotty" by one of her classmates while they were playing soccer and after that, all of the children at the school called her that term and mocked her.
She was worried that others would call her by the same name as well and reject her because of her ugly face.
She found herself alone, but the story reaches a peak of when she had a dream that her freckles turn into the birds and are flying. The birds got farther and farther away and became the size of small spots and Mimi looked at them and said: how interesting the spots are!
After that, all things changed and she noticed numerous spotted things around herself that seemed appealing and made her more interested in herself such as worker ants, stars in the sky, fishes and spotted animals.
Then, she started painting every spotted thing around herself to hold an exhibition.
At the end of the story, she met a girl who was similar to her and realized that she is not alone in the world and there are other people who are like her.

Published titles: 3
