Sarah Infanger | Switzerland
„10 friendly shapes“
The main characters of this book are 10 simple geometric shapes in the three primary colors and their mixing colors. Together they experience various adventures by transforming into new characters and scenes page by page. In a playful and humorous way, the book aims to teach toddlers about counting, color and shape theory.
The book is divided into two parts. The first part is about counting. The basic shapes form different shapes and format themselves playfully from 1-10. In the second part of the book, the focus is on colors and shapes.
So far, I have been guided by shapes and what can be built and told with them. The play with colours and shapes should be integrated into a funny story. I would like to draw the red thread with a revised text. A humorous text, preferably somewhat abstract or with a dadaistic tone.
– Ecal (Ecole cantonale d’art de Lausanne). Lausanne, CH (2000-2003) – HGKL (Hochschule für Gestaltung und Kunst Luzern). Lucerne, CH (1998-2000)
BA Visual Communication / Graphic Design
Graduation: 2003