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Nuria Pocero Málaga & Nuppita Pittman | Spain

One morning in a castle Furacín jumps out of bed, and falls on his horse...
Thus begins the story, a journey in which the knight meets different people, and it gets longer and longer. Until he says enough is enough. And goes on holiday.
The bed, the castle, the forest, the road... are common places in stories. There are sulks and falls, a knight who always says yes, a grumpy magic horse, a chattering bird and people from different countries being friends.
It is a story for young readers which I hope they will enjoy.
I like humour, the absurd and through that I like to tell funny stories. I like to escape from conventional stories and advice. [...]
Through a graphic style, a dialogue between text and image, where colour and geometry are also important.

Graphic design and illustration
Graduation: 2012

Published titles: 1