
Oskars Pavlovskis | Latvia

The book CORPUS is a collection of connected illustrations, a graphic and thematic exploration of a fictional universe that follows a self-created set of rules and a path to unknown direction.

The illustrations for the book were made during a period of 2018 to 2021 and the project could still be considered a work in progress.
The book CORPUS contains no actual storyline but is a series of connected illustrations that dives into a fictional universe and depicts it in form of visual encyclopedia-like notes from a viewpoint of a silent observer.

With this project, I wanted to create a book that could be flipped through and explored multiple times. To replicate the feeling of excitement and discovery when opening an encyclopedia and aimlessly browsing through the pages, exploring and finding something new and interesting with each new page.

Art Academy of Latvia
Visual Communication
Graduation: 2011

Published titles: 1