Alberta’s Treasures

Martina Walther | Switzerland

It's quiet in the Alberta Brocante store in the small seaside town. Most of the time Alberta is alone in the shop, patching, polishing and cleaning. But then a gentleman desperately looking for a parking space is suddenly the reason why word spread throughout the city that Alberta has a very special business.Because of this, more and more people are crowding into their shop and everyone has a very special wish: whether it's a long chair with short legs, a grumpy cloud, more pepper in life or an inflatable dumbbell... Alberta flits helpfully through the crammed shelves, looking for nice things and Answers - and finds the right thing for everyone in their favorite shop. Until one day Alberta's most loyal customer, the fisherman Pepe, comes back to town and asks her a question that changes everything...

Published by Kunstanstifter.